Why is Portugal leading the world in average daily fatalities?

Julian Fry
2 min readMay 30, 2022


This one is puzzling. After following most of the world in seeing reductions post Omicron, the fatality rate in Portugal is increasing. The currently level is 2.8 fatalities per million of population per day. The CDC has a warning on Portugal here

According to Reuters — Portugal has administered almost 24 million doses of vaccine — enough to vaccinate 116% of the population. This begins to make me think — when do we need the next set of boosters? Perhaps Portugal is NOT boosted enough. At this point most of the people I know in the US are vaxxed and boosted.

Average daily data below:

Monthly data below:

May data (to the 27th) shows May is the 3rd highest rate of new cases since inception. Its also the 3rd highest level of monthly deaths in the last 15 months (that is since February 2021).

Originally published at http://jf-insights.com on May 30, 2022.



Julian Fry

I’ve always been logically driven. I like to think I look at things broadly and draw observations that may not be represented by main stream media.