Europe sets new records

Julian Fry
3 min readDec 31, 2021


WHO global data shows the following data for new cases — basically virtually matching the peak from April / May (driven out of India and South East Asia). Notice how the green portion of the chart is growing significantly — which is Europe.

Here’s a closer look at the Europe case trend. As you can see — very clearly a record.

Here’s a closer look at Europe deaths. These are not at the same levels as this time last year (pre vaccination) — but certainly very high. About 60% of prior peaks. Something to be very concerned about.

My prior posts have provided the detail on some of the these countries — but here’s a brief recap of some:

  • UK has record high cases but fatalities relatively well controlled in percentage terms
  • France and Italy have high number of cases and steadily rising fatality curves
  • Spain appears to be doing the best at controlling fatalities
  • Germany appears to have bent the curve but fatality levels are still high; in fact the highest in the vaccination era.

Looking at the monthly charts below it’s easy to see the Omicron spread is unprecedented in its rapid pace of spread. Solid bars show number of cases with top 3 values highlighted.

We are expecting this wave to burn itself out quickly… but this still makes for a bumpy road with pressure on hospital systems. In my next blog — we’ll aready see that in the US hospital capacity is coming under pressure and we are not yet as far along the Omicron curve as Europe.

Originally published at on December 31, 2021.



Julian Fry

I’ve always been logically driven. I like to think I look at things broadly and draw observations that may not be represented by main stream media.