COVID The MOVIE — November update

Julian Fry
2 min readNov 22, 2020


In this report — I have updated the movie that I produced earlier in the year — to pull in the most current data.

I’m shocked and astounded that the US is well on track to exceed 3 million new covid cases this month (November). That’s before Thanksgiving.

The data speaks for itself. Of the US’ almost 12 million cases since inception, approximately 3 million have occured this month (to Nov 20th). This shows us all that the virus is spreading at an alarming rate.

Take a look at the video — and notice the times we (and also Europe) had almost defeated the virus — only for it to surge again. We have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory before — by declaring victory too early, by easing restrictions too soon.

Its clear the only hope now for eradicating the virus is through vaccination. We’ve seen this movie too many times already. Our actions as individuals and society, lead by, in many cases, ineffective leadership have brought us to this position.

With 250,000 US deaths so far, and hospitals recording record numbers of patients with COVID (over 80,000 according to the COVID tracking project) its no surprise that the US average daily fatalities have started to increase.

Fatalities are now over 1400 per day. More than double the figure of early October and almost three times the level of early July.

As we enter the Holiday season — I encourage you all not to succumb to covid fatigue, but instead realize that the actions we take now have never been more critical to fight this pandemic. Think about the first responders, and the limits to hospital capacity.

Watch the movie and think about what we could have done differently; when we could have sustained our efforts better; and what we should be doing now — at a time when the new case numbers have never been worse.

Originally published at on November 22, 2020.



Julian Fry

I’ve always been logically driven. I like to think I look at things broadly and draw observations that may not be represented by main stream media.